Example equalizent
Daniele Lerose, equalizent (Vienna, AT). Date: 29 June 2022
Hello! I had interviewees from different age groups from young to older persons. The interviews took place in and around Vienna, but also in other cities and regions in Austria.
In this project, I wanted to ask our interviewees to share their experiences in life generally and in social life in particular. I worked to collect interviews from people in different age groups, from young to old. My aim was to demonstrate how to develop a Deaf Museums exhibition in Austria.
I was responsible for filming, which I did using a video camera with a tripod. I mostly filmed outside. Some interviews were filmed inside and for these I used 1 light.
The locations I used most for filming were the park, the office or the house / apartment.
I prepared the interview in advance with all interviewees, explaining the contents of the basic questions, some ideas, and points of emphasis. Interviewees were therefore prepared to answer specific questions.
For some interviews, I got some good stories, although some interviews contained fewer stories. It depends on the personalities of the interviewees, whether they are more open, and whether they are used to telling stories. It depends.
While interviewing, I noticed come stories developing. Afterwards, I wondered if I had missed opportunities and thought if I could have asked more specific questions. Maybe if I had followed the narrative, I could have uncovered a bigger story? I adapted my questions so that each interview got better and better.
I think there should be more interviews with deaf people in order to collect and preserving information about topics, which are important for the deaf community.
I interviewed 22 people as part of this project and I want to conduct more interviews to collect different experiences and views. For the deaf community, this brings strong stories to light and shows their story. That is important!
The content subdivides into 8 topics with two main themes: these are social life and sport, and deaf arts.
Interviewees come from different backgrounds, upbringings, education, jobs, cities, their experiences and connections with the topic of daily social life are different. Nevertheless, there are clear parallels in the shared experiences of life in the deaf community.
My experience conducting the interviews was very challenging. It was very emotional for me to share such personal insights with the interviewees. Before I got started, I discussed the precise content, how the interviewees imagined the final film would look. I addressed issues of privacy and delicate issues, which might cause problems if publicised. This work put me in a position of trust and acceptance, as well as forging deeper connections with the interviewees.
When I was filming, I could see the difference between those interviewees with experience of being interviewed and those who were doing it for the first time. It was hard for the first-timers to express themselves. I discussed with them ways of showing their personalities and their roles. Then they were ready for their first interview.
I was able to use my work experience positively, but also I was able to learn some better film techniques, as well as ways of dealing with interviews in order to explore stories in more depth.
Interestingly, some interviewees lost their thread. I think I may try to use visual aids or pictures in the future to help interviewees remember their stories as they are expanding. It is all good.
Thanks. Ciao!