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Targine Nogueira, Tathiana (She)

Targine Nogueira, Tathiana (She)


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Hearing Status, Languages


Libras - Portuguese/Italian - Portuguese of Brazil

Country / Countries


Examples of Work

Master in Bilingual Education from INES (National Institute for the Education of the Deaf) and scriptwriter of teaching materials for the INES Distance Learning Pedagogy course.

Postgraduate in Higher Education Teaching in Libras from Cândido Mendes University, bachelor in Libras Letters and degree in Letters (Portuguese-Italian) from UFRJ.

Approved in three public competitions for temporary positions as Specialized Technician in Sign Language at the public institutions IF Sudeste (Muriaé campus) and UFRJ.

And, from 2021 to 2023, she was a professor at the Faculty of Libras Letters (UFRJ).

For three years, she was a PROATEC scholarship holder, level 4, of the extension project Resources and Teaching Materials for Teaching Portuguese Language to deaf students at the State University of Rio de Janeiro.

Participant of GECAL (Group of Critical and Advanced Studies in Languages) at UnB, entering as a master's student.

With 26 years of experience producing audiovisual content for public television, she has worked on programs such as Sem Censura, Caderno 2, Caderno Teen, Observatório da Imprensa, Núcleo Mercosul and De Lá Pra Cá. She has a specialization in an MBA in Digital TV, Broadcasting, New Media and Electronic Communication from the Universidade Federal Fluminense (2014).

In 2013, at the invitation of ACERP (Roquette Pinto Educational Communication Association), she was invited to participate in the creation of TV INES, the first web TV for the deaf in Brazil, an initiative of INES (National Institute for the Education of the Deaf), where she worked until 2017.

Her experience in producing audiovisual content followed the path of Education/Culture, this time with an emphasis on Communication/Accessibility. Among her current activities, the production of teaching materials and interpretation (Libras-Portuguese Language) in the classroom stand out. https://lattes.cnpq.br/8889076773385663